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Every Monday on this page, there will be a Witch's Oracle Deck reading to let you know what the week has in store for you, and also on Mondays you will  find a new Spell of the Week.  After all, everyone needs a good spell once in a while.

This Week's Oracle Deck Reading  


These sometimes grotesque stone figures found clinging to buildings were most famous during the Medieval period,  but have also been found as far back as ancient Egypt, Rome and Greece.  Their two main purposes were to scare off evil, and to divert rainwater, but there are even some schools of thought that suggest gargoyles are old Pagan gods and creatures that were once worshipped in holy places before those places were re-dedicated to Christian churches and holy grounds.


To some, gargoyles are protectors.  They are said to protect the place they around bound to. The gargoyles supposedly come to life during the dark hours, fly through the city and keep threats both physical and spiritual away from their buildings. When the sun comes up the gargoyles return to their roosts, becoming inanimate stone once more.


Witches have always sought out the gargoyle’s spirits for protection and the gargoyle card in this reading is now serving as a warning that you  have let your guard down lately and that protection needs to be put back in place. 


Incantation:   Gargoyle take flight and surround me with light that will drive negativity away.  Be it human or sprite, in the day or the night, keep me safe, I do ask, everyday.


Corresponding Stone: Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline may be the most popular stone for protection today. Use it to fortify your environs and your energy field when you feel that you may have let your guard down.

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